Art Regen

Unique, One-Of-A-Kind Regenerative Art

Custom Oil-On-Canvas Pieces Created Just For You

Thriving Community of Art-Loving Professionals

When is the last time you owned a piece of art that lowered your blood pressure, lifted your spirits, and birthed a great conversation?


See Grace and other transformative art from Dr. Desirée Cox showcased in British Vogue’s exclusive summer art campaign!

From May to July 2021, select one-of-a-kind paintings from Dr. Desirée’s extensive collection – all available for purchase – will be featured in British Vogue’s retail digital online gallery, as well as in three premium print issues of the magazine.

To view Dr. Desirée’s art in British Vogue, please click here.

We get it. As a busy professional, it’s difficult to find amazing, one-of-a-kind art.


Which is why for over 15 years, Dr. Desirée Cox has been painting regenerative art, some of which is hanging next to an original Picasso. Her work brings about hope, healing, and a sense of community in the people who enjoy it.


“Butterfly. I love this painting. It’s one of favorites of Dr. Desiree’s paintings. It hangs on the wall right near the door at entrance to my home. So many friends, family and guests have marveled at it over the last 13 years when they’ve visit me. Brilliant yet ethereal and light. Always brings a smile to my face.”

Dr. Harry – Medical Doctor, Aviator and Historian


“Cosmic Sunsplash. We love this gorgeous painting. When the painting came and we unpacked it we were blown away. Peace in the morning light’ is how I would describe it. It hangs in its rightful place with a Picasso to the left and a Chagail to the right. Colorful art created with love. We are thrilled to have a piece of Dr. Desiree’s here in our home.”

Dr. Marc – Medical Doctor and Entrepreneur


“Tears ran down my cheeks when I first saw ‘Stairway to Heaven’ at Dr. Desiree’s exhibition in 2008. I imagined looking at the painting every day after receiving chemotherapy and the light and colors bringing me inspiration and hope for healing. This painting has been such a gift.”

Mrs. Stephanie – Cancer Survivor


“I have no words to describe my feelings about the painting ‘Ascension’ and its significance for me. I wish I could transform my feelings and send them in a better form than a testimonial message. I knew from the moment I saw this painting on the computer screen that it was destined to come to my home. When I opened the box and saw the painting, the colors and the frame I was stunned. It was as if it was painted just for me and the frame tailored to my living room. I will shelter and adore it to the end of my days. When I read the dedication plaque Dr. Desiree sent to me along with the painting I cried like a baby. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating this painting Dr. Desiree. I know this painting will bring part of my journey and healing and hope to recover from the loss of my love.”

Mrs. Agata – Businesswoman


“Dr. Desiree’s painting ‘Flash Insights” hangs on the wall in my home office. Amazing, vibrant, so alive. So often over the years, I just sit back in my chair and stare at it, taking in the experience, basking in the magical cosmic beauty of the piece. I love it.”

Mrs. Elisa – Therapist and Former Corporate Lawyer


“I fell in love with ‘Organic Power’ when I saw it Dr. Desiree’s exhibition in 2007 and when she sent me a picture of ‘Blue Rapsody’ in 2020 I snapped it up. Gorgeous images. Cosmic, heavenly spiritual. Both of them hang prominently in my living room. I see and experience them differently every time I look at them.”

Mr. Theo – Business man, Entrepreneur, Artlover and Healer


“Beautiful, mesmerizing, complex, infinite, epic, gorgeous – these are all the words that come to mind when I see this painting. My life is always full of people, patients, pressure and noise. The daily opportunity to fully experience this piece alone in the morning after a swim and with my coffee is truly replenishing for my soul. Thank you Dr. Desirée Cox for blessing me and my home with your ArtRegen creation ‘Lunar Essence.'”

Dr. Araba, MD


“I wanted to thank you for the beautiful painting you selected for me. My mom presented me with the ‘Becoming’ painting a few days ago, and it has taken me a while to write to you because I simply couldn’t put in words the impact and emotions it invoked in me. It brought me to tears because it felt like it was a gift from a higher power, in that it was so perfect for me at this exact moment in my life journey.

It feels like a spiritual awakening and inspires me to carry on and move forward with the work I am doing on myself. I can’t wait to hang this piece of art in my meditation room when I move to my new apartment. Not only is it so beautiful and makes me have to catch my breath, it is also very healing and makes me optimistic for my future.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Ms. Angela, CPA


“I was blown away by the ‘Paradise Visions’ Pop-Up Exhibition in the Bahamas. The paintings were magnificent. I was drawn to ‘Metamorphosis’ and was haunted in a good way by it. I left the exhibition, called back for the dimensions, came home, and was still consumed by the beauty of it. I called Mr. Aitken (the owner of the exhibition space), and I told him I must have it. I cannot wait to welcome it home. Dr. Desirée is truly gifted and blessed beyond measure.”

Dr. Vaughan Con, Dentist and Art Lover


“Thanks for sharing these paintings with the world. A true gift. ‘Butterfly’ was my favorite. It speaks to the continual transformation of life.”

Dr. Calae, Medical Doctor


“Dr. Desirée, thank you for the opportunity to be part of the experience of your pop-up exhibition ‘Paradise Visions’ in the Bahamas. Art stimulates creativity! It was a wonderful experience.”

Dwight, Pastor and Artist


“I am soul-shifted.

My everything is glad and satisfied to be surrounded in the energy of the space, paintings, images and colors. The peace. The exuberance. The tranquility on a level that makes me feel just like that woman in ‘Freedom’ who has let go, but in so doing so, moves on God’s buoyancy wherever He takes her mind, body and soul.

Christians should wonder if they made a difference in breath. Know that once you have reached one, you have made a difference.

‘Art takes courage,’ Christina Maillis had written on a plaque surrounded by the tiniest of Beach fauna and mini shells.

It does.

Thank is what I thought you would say, because you released yourself and lay splayed to opinion on who and what you are. Your art is so much more than a copy of something else. It is YOU. I believe wherever you show one or all of your pieces, YOU will be celebrated.

There are few who breathe that you never want to lose. When His Kingdom comes, I truly and honestly believe He will say to you, “My Will was done.” That, my friend – is the HIGHEST praise.

Walk on in this angel training ground. Run! Do not faint. You already soar with eagles. That’s how you earn your Wings in heaven, right here in this training ground we are blessed to practice on”

Mrs. Kelly, Lawyer and Art Lover


“Hi Doc, I truly enjoyed the paintings and seeing all your accomplishments at your pop-up exhibition ‘Paradise Visions’ in the Bahamas. You are truly blessed, and the paintings were a blessing to me.”

Ms. Regina, Makeup Artist


“Fantastic pieces. Well done. Never expected such large pieces. Loved the “Freedom” painting”

Justice Frazer


“I was stopped by ‘Freedom.’ ‘Freedom’ was my favorite, followed by ‘Grace’ and ‘Fusion.’ The pieces were so full of life and hope. You continue to be an inspiration.”

Ms. Catherine, Educator


“The art exhibition was breathtakingly beautiful.The presentation with the magazine features looks very professional. Very well put together. You are amazing! You should be very proud of yourself, and I am extremely proud of you. “

Dr. Dorcas, Project Manager


“The spiritual connection of several of the pieces, the written words, the colours, the composition and the private messages – they all resonated with my personal experiences. “

Ms. Sabrina, Educator


“Your artwork is nothing shy of brilliant! I am elated and humbled to be the owner of one of your most coveted and latest pieces, “Lunar Essence.” Just the thought of owning it brings me calm, joy and delight. It’s amazing!”

Deron Seymour


“It was four years of searching for that piece of art. We specifically wanted a vignette of lavender hues, something that would be just perfect for our French-inspired café.

After viewing – or, shall I say, auditioning paintings and many other beautiful pieces of art – my heart still said to hold out. I knew that painting was out there, waiting to find her home.

I have known Dr. Desirée Cox for years as an academic, prolific researcher, author, and now artist with the ability to create awe-inspiring expressions on canvas.

As a creative and art collector, I am moved visually, but the unifying principle is how the art speaks to my soul. The moment I saw this piece, the connection was made and I knew she was the one. The color, texture, image, and subtle and graceful movement spoke unilaterally to me, the beholder. I was immediately transported to where I would like to be – Paris in the spring, or the Sistine Chapel in Rome on a hot sunny day, or a pristine beach in the Bahamas. “Virtuoso” is precisely what I have been waiting for – and she is happy to have found her new home at Café Channing Noelle, Nassau, The Bahamas.”

Loretta E. Thomas, Creative Director of Shimmer & Sparkle Lifestyle Company, Ltd.

Join Our Art-Loving Community with 3 Easy Steps:

  • STEP 1: Schedule a Consultation or Browse Current Inventory

    Browse our shop page for available prints and paintings, or schedule a consultation with Dr. Desirée to discuss canvas options, your personal likes and dislikes, and what design elements speak to you.

  • STEP 2: Select Your Perfect Painting

    Whether it’s from our existing inventory or a unique piece created just for you.

  • STEP 3: Enjoy Your Regenerative Art

    And become part of ArtRegen’s fast-growing community of accomplished professionals and art-lovers.


At ArtRegen, we know you want to be a confident and sophisticated professional. In order to do that, you need great art that achieves status, uniqueness, and self-actualization.

The problem is, it’s hard to find art that can do all of that – which makes you feel frustrated and like you’re missing out.

We believe it’s wrong for you to feel like this. You deserve art that’s good for your soul and shows everyone who you are.